Football Supporters Europe (FSE) invites member organisations to apply to co-host the European Football Fans Congress (EFFC) in June 2025.  

What is it? 

The European Football Fans Congress (EFFC) has been an important forum for FSE members since 2008. The EFFC takes place every second year and is the biggest gathering of football fans of its kind. It is the only event where supporters can regularly exchange views with decision-makers and stakeholders in European football. It also features panels, workshops, and network meetings to discuss topics that are important for fans across Europe to have a say on the agenda of football.   

The EFFC coincides with FSE’s Biennial General Meeting, which provides members with an opportunity to vote on and influence FSE’s aims, objectives, and policies, as well as to approve changes to the Constitution and elect members to the Board. 

The last edition of EFFC was held in Manchester in 2023 co-hosted by the Football Supporters Association.  

Why co-host?  

Co-hosting the EFFC allows members to showcase their own activities and supporter culture by being at the heart of FSE’s pinnacle calendar event. It also allows our co-hosts to bring their own members and local stakeholders together, and to share how fans cooperate at a European level. We will provide support and guidance to the successful co-host, who will work side by side with FSE’s staff in the months leading up to the Congress itself.  

Some General Facts  

  • In 2023, over 70 national supporters’ organisations and local fan groups from across Europe attended, including fans from more than 30 nations 
  • 4 days of activities  
  • Over 20 Workshops and Expert Panel Sessions 
  • 12 previous EFFCs since 2008  

Football Supporters Europe (FSE) invites member organisations to apply to co-host EFFC in 2025. An Expression of Interest form can be found here, download and email to by 13th September 2024 at the latest, with the subject line: “FSE EFFC 2025 APPLICATION”.  

Once the Expression of Interest form is submitted, FSE will send the Application Form to be completed by applicants and submitted via email to by 7th October 2024 

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